
Lawrence & Wedlock – Transforming Process Discovery in the RPA industry.


Lawrence & Wedlock, a leading intelligent automation services provider working across industries, has target customers with an average turnover of £250 million – £4 billion. Despite working in a disruptive, agile and fast-moving industry, L&W were frustrated with the manual and slow process of RPA process discovery. Forced to use multiple tools to collect information, with documents likely to have input errors, sent to and from customers and often too big to share or update easily, their RPA process discovery and ability to capture requirements was slow and tedious. Keen to find a solution, they came across Skore through a marketing campaign and got in touch.

Initial Use Case

For L&W the initial attraction was the fact that Skore covered so much of the end to end process. A collaborative and live tool, that included everything, the detail and drop down functionality allowed them to drill down easily when they needed to access information. With all the information held securely in one place, it became the ‘one stop shop’ platform for L&W to do all their process discovery.

Originally using the software internally and training the team to use it, L&W started on smaller projects, with the L&W team working on Skore alone to produce process documentation before sharing the output with their clients.

‘What became obvious quickly was the phenomenal difference it made to our workload.

Daniel Lawrence MD, Lawrence & Wedlock

The team learned that using the Skore Robotic Assess module shaved half the time off that they generally took for process discovery. From an average 2 weeks to 1 week to complete process discovery with a client.

Value added to Partners and Clients

L&W quickly discovered that their clients saw great value in the tool as well. Skore was added to their offering and made part of their client services. Internally it meant less time training and on-boarding of staff as the L&W team used one format for the whole process. With fewer difficulties or misunderstandings and simple training, using Skore helped standardise their project methodology.

This standard approach was attractive, practical and gave them a competitive edge.

‘We are more agile and able to deliver quicker results, with resources freed up because less time is taken up by process discovery and the essential bottom-up keystroke detail all in one place.’

Daniel Lawrence MD, Lawrence & Wedlock

Fully Digitised Discovery Process

Using Skore software has enabled L&W to offer their clients a ‘fully digitised discovery assessment process’. For Skore, working with leading edge automation experts has enabled greater opportunities within the RPA sector and the opportunity to explore how Skore technology could evolve to further support RPA discovery requirements.

Craig Willis, Customer Success Director at Skore notes; ‘Working with such a fresh and groundbreaking company like L&W has empowered Skore to master more knowledge of the world of RPA and understand how the software can truly be evolved to meet and excel customer needs and requirements.’

Daniel Lawrence agrees: ‘What was unexpected was the relationship between Skore and L&W, we weren’t expecting to have our own needs and requirements taken so seriously by all the team, the focused attention to changes and desires, the Skore team worked so hard to ensure this was the tool for us. That was a very powerful message to us indeed.’

L&W plans for 2020 include significant growth and becoming RPA official training partners with Skore. Working on future collaborations together will ensure that both Skore and L&W are truly able to differentiate themselves in the market and offer a bespoke alternative to customers. This partnership will enable customers to truly benefit from fast paced transformation in their companies and ensure they are able to make the most of their RPA opportunities and scale accordingly.

Transform RPA Process Discovery

Skore is a Process Mapping and Analysis Platform that captures current process mapping in a live workshop environment.

Used by consultancy partners and end users alike, it enables organisations to understand, map and collaborate on their processes by providing an intuitive interface. A live workshop tool, its reporting and dashboard functionality delivers clarity, insight and process efficiencies. Skore transforms your business at the speed of conversation.

Lawrence & Wedlock are an experienced RPA services and solutions provider. Their objective is to help clients enable the automation-first, business-led workplace of the future.