
Top 5 Reasons to Use Process Management Software for Service Improvement

Businesses or organisations are always seeking to improve their process and in so doing, their overall service.

Process management and improvement will lead to service improvement, as the service becomes more efficient thanks to better processes.

And a great way to improve processes?

Using process management software that enriches your service improvement needs.

Here are 5 reasons why you should be using process management software for service improvement. 

Knowledge Management: All Your Information in One Place

The first reason is knowledge management. 

As we know, company knowledge can often be scattered in various departments or sub-departments. This separation of material causes a lot of problems.

Not only for training purposes when someone new is coming in and finding that the process maps last checked months ago do not match up at all with the reality, but also to avoid miscommunication and make process review a lot easier.

Having all the information and associated documents in one, singular place, accessible to all relevant team members, is a huge step forward. And is only possible by using software that makes it easy for everyone to access and understand how the processes work. 

This way, you find out that teams in both accounting and customer service are wasting time filling out the same forms – and you can nip the problem in the bud. Everyone relevant to a particular document or process can have access avoiding such issues and ensuring everything is running smoothly and efficiently instead.

And it’s not all existing in old filing cabinets, dusty binders, that one Google sheet, or in the head of a team member that’s about to go on leave.

Process management software with access to process libraries makes it all so much easier.

Process Reviews Built In 

Another feature of process management software is that your process review is built into the software itself, helping your service improve exponentially and speedily over time.

You don’t have to set a reminder or organise a workshop every other week, simply utilise your software’s process review component.

Software can remind you when it’s time to review your existing processes to find improvement spots. Your decision-making process will be quick and easy. With less discussion regarding changes to the budget, spending, resources, and allocation of funds, everyone is able to see the same pain points suggested on the software for improvement when reviewing processes.

You’ll stay on top of trends and adjust your business accordingly. No more procrastinating when it comes to reviewing your process or running that workshop, let software help guide you to the best changes for your processes with your team.

Avoid Miscommunication With Clear Responsibilities

Another important benefit of process management software for service improvement is the clarity of roles.

For example, Skore clarifies who is in charge of what task, and what their role entails. Creating a process or reviewing one makes it a lot easier to assign roles and check on the correct individuals whenever there is a doubt.

Miscommunication will be avoided if people take responsibility making the entire process flow a lot smoother. Software expressly built for process mapping and process management will also typically follow a model such as RATSI or RACI to help assign responsibilities.

This makes everything a lot more transparent and clear to all involved parties, from the those running the process to the stakeholders looking to understand how it would work. And those in charge of those steps can also understand why their involvement is required during certain points in the process.

Your process will instantly run more efficiently, avoiding any of the common bottleneck issues when responsibilities are unclear, and ensuring the wait times are shorter or for more specific reasons and not simply part of how “the process always is”.

Additionally, your process is then focused on roles and not individuals. Mark from Accounting could be unavailable at any time, or even leave the company. But the Associate Accountant role has certain duties and tasks associated, so you can ask someone else in a similar role or a role above them if you run into issues. 

Assigning roles as standard when mapping processes and having a way to analyse and track them ensures that there is accountability. Often one of the greatest challenges when running a project is being able to push things forward. Once a stage in the process has a role assigned to it, it is clear to all who is responsible for getting sign-off and moving things forward. 

It’s why in Skore, a central part of the process map is indicating and answering the question Who? Is in charge of what action. The clearer the role in charge is, the best for everyone. 

Cost Management At Your Fingertips

With process management software, the Service Improvement goal of cost management has never been easier.

Let the software calculate it for you and prepare the business case for you, such as with Skore’s Quantify.

You simply input all the numerical data, and let the software run its options. It’ll provide you with expected revenue, how much of a difference it is from what you’re spending, and then what you should change to spend less. You can be sure that the calculations are available and correct for each process.

Quantify can even help you assess where the blocks are on your existing process, and then also explore different scenarios. You can then see how those changes will affect the year in a month, quarter, or year, allowing you to build your case for stakeholders to make the necessary changes.

In fact, Quantify will build the business case for you if needed.

Decision-making internally within teams and with stakeholders will become a breeze, using valid data to help speed things along significantly. Not only do you have the numbers to demonstrate your case but you can also delve into the detail easily when challenged. 

And you don’t even have to make the calculations yourself!

Access the Process from Anywhere

Finally, process management software allows you to access your process maps and information from anywhere. 

You no longer need to all physically be in a workshop once a month to work on it together. Software allows you to rely on a cloud-based system, so that your team can access your processes from anywhere, anytime. 

This means team members can work asynchronously on process mapping or process reviews. You should find a software that allows you to leave comments and add information where relevant. 

Additionally, because it can be accessed from anywhere, employees will be able to consult it anytime should they run into issues. This is useful during training periods, or any time they have a question. They can quickly determine the correct individuals to ask questions if necessary, or answer their own questions by looking at the process maps. 

This also means you can easily update your processes whenever changes occur, keeping your processes relevant.

It also means reviewing the process can happen from anywhere, and with a tool such as Skore’s Quantify you can run it and try different solutions on your own before you share it with everyone else. This easy accessibility will help your processes run smoother and more efficiently.

Service Improvement means Healthy Processes!

Process management software exists to help your processes improve, and thus your service improves.

While we’ve gone over five reasons you should be using it, there are many more to consider. A key point to always remember is process management software is designed to help your business run smoothly.

You don’t need to patch together process maps and calculations on programs or options that don’t really work for your needs. Everything related to processes should be addressed and made easier and accessible for you in one, singular place.

Interested in learning more about process management software and service improvement?

Process Management for Service Improvement

More prevalent in governmental or healthcare roles, service improvement as part of process improvement is a phrase we are coming across a lot more.

We work on it with clients, and we believe we can help them with it. Having a wealth of experience in this sector and an abundance of tips to share, in this article, we’ll go over all things service improvement, and how process management, our specialty, fits into it.


What Is Service Improvement

At its core, service improvement is empowering staff to feel confident about taking on a wider range of tasks. 

Service improvement covers:

  • Involving various teams with decision-making and training allowing staff to cover a wider range of tasks
  • Regular meetings between staff leaders and management teams
  • Talent mapping and training needs analysis (TNA) that are relevant to each department’s development plan
  • Development opportunities provided for all staff that meets their needs and requirements
  • The development of more specialised staff through TNA and an education programme to support all staff
  • Sharing knowledge with others
  • Engaging on the ground with partners
  • Motivating staff
  • Encouraging continuous quality improvement

Service improvement is often connected to service transformation, with improvement focusing on bettering what is already there and transformation focusing on making changes.

There are three phases to service improvement:

  • Discover and understand – you want to make sure you understand how things are currently working. Not just internally, but also taking into account any external factors that affect your service and its quality. To do this, you want to make sure that you can:
    • Identify your service’s core purpose
    • Know the demand for your service
    • Know your capacity to deliver
    • Understand customer flow in your service
  • Generate and develop ideas – once you understand how your service is currently working, you can begin to think of ideas to improve and transform it. Involve everyone that contributes to the service: they will not only know what is happening on the ground, but they will probably bring you a variety of ideas to improve it based on their experiences. With this, focused quantity and creativity are encouraged, as you can build off of ideas. 
  • Implementation – having done the tests and found an idea that works, you can now implement those ideas on the ground. This in itself requires a process to make sure it is done correctly and there is no one missing out. You need to:
    • Have a measurement plan in place to evaluate the implementation’s success
    • Know what data you plan to collect to measure this success
    • Have a clear communication system in the process and with your management
    • Know who is responsible for what at all times

In all three phases of service improvement, there are three factors you always need to consider. They are:

  • Stakeholders – anyone from management to patients or citizens in the case of healthcare or government are stakeholders as they are the ones that need to understand and essentially have the change work for their improvement.
  • Measurements – as we saw above, it is necessary to know what the measurements currently are and what they are after implementation to truly know success has been achieved
  • Sustainability – finally, focus on the ability to maintain those improvements. It’s one thing to have a super involved individual, but you can’t solely rely on that happening in every location, or that the individual will stay. You want to develop processes that are self-sustaining and will last.

If done correctly, service improvement done well will lead to quality improvement, which the NHS defines as a “systematic approach to improving service quality, efficiency and morale – not just a mechanism to solve problems in failing parts of the organisation. It is a way of expanding improvement beyond organisational or functional boundaries, so that impact is possible across the wider health and social care system”.

Service Improvement vs Process Management vs Service Design

If you are at all familiar with process management, especially as it pertains to continuous improvement, this will all sound similar.

Service improvement focuses on helping a specific service be the best it can be at any point in time. It involves a lot of moving parts and tight control and awareness of how those parts make a better whole for the entire team.

Process management is the steps you take to get to that improvement. And while we typically focus on business process management, it can be applied to services as well. After all, the end goal in both cases is always continuous improvement

This means both service improvement and process management require those in charge to constantly be on the lookout for things that can be improved. Anything from a task that is taking too long to doubling up on information is something to keep note of as unnecessary and negative to the entire process.

Service design, on the other hand, is the design of new services. Specifically, it is “the activity of planning and organising a business’s resources to directly improve the employee’s experience and indirectly improve the customer’s experience”.

The goal is to create a service that responds to your organisation’s needs, both internal and external, with processes in place that serve this purpose. One of the outcomes of service design is eventual service improvement.

For a quick refresher, take a look at the chart below:

Service ImprovementProcess ManagementService Design
Arriving at an improvement of services offered by measuring data, working with stakeholders, empowering staff, and having good communication.Managing the entirety of processes on a constant basis to ensure they run smoothly and you can find improvement spots.Creation of a service in its entirety, keeping processes in mind to arrive at the end goal of continuous service improvement.

How Does Process Management Lead to Service Improvement 

There should not be any doubt at this point that process management will absolutely lead to service improvement.

The phases described above are the same as those involved with continuous process improvement, and the end goal in all cases is the same.

They use Six Sigma and the 7 Lean Wastes. The NHS’ own Handbook on Service Improvement dedicates an entire section to process mapping – something we consider ourselves experts in here at Skore. While the industry may be different from a regular organisation, healthcare and government institutions both also require process management to be successful in achieving their service goals. 

Good process management is the key to it.

Without a clear plan in place for process management, services fall apart and issues mount. 

At Skore, we’ve recently begun working with clients in these areas, and we have discovered how much we can help them.

Our platform provides mapping services easy for everyone involved to follow, incorporates responsibilities from the get-go so there is no confusion, gives you the data points you need, points out improvement points based on that data, and provides you with the possibility to run examples before implementing anything and seeing how they may affect the overall service experience.

The best part?

It provides you with a case study for you to show stakeholders which drastically lowerswait times for decision-making as it is a data-first approach.


Service improvement is, at the end of the day, a natural outcome of process management.

So many organisations focus on service above all, and the quality of that service, as they serve their patients or customers.

But the skills required are essentially the same. Which means the tools can be used in both cases.

If you’d like to learn more about how Skore can provide you with everything you need to elevate your services, get in touch or join our resource community for more exclusive content like this.