
Understanding UiPath Process Mapping

UiPath is an automated solution for routine business processes. A robotic process automation (RPA) tool, it helps businesses automate routine activities so that they can concentrate on other areas of the business instead of mundane tasks.

In the right hands, this tool can be exceedingly useful for businesses looking to automate and better their processes. But it has to be done correctly, or else it will not work.

Having the correct approach to UiPath process mapping is the cornerstone from which the entire solution works, so you want to make sure you’ve done this correctly. Read on to learn how to do this, as at Skore we consider ourselves process mapping experts

What is UiPath Process Mapping 

UiPath, as an RPA tool, is very much born from the AI and robot zeitgeist currently taking place in SaaS. And it is extremely useful. 

If you minimise the amount of time certain tasks and activities take, you and your employees can gain back precious time. A time that can be used in other areas that require more concentration than in completing daily tasks. 

A great example comes from healthcare: 

A patient’s information needs to be taken correctly and passed to their doctor, who may then pass it on for further examination to other departments or doctors. But the doctor does not need to be in charge of completing several additional tasks or requirements. With the right RPA, these steps can be minimized, and the doctor can spend a lot more necessary time with their patient.

This strategy can then be applied to a variety of industries. From education to government to construction, every industry has monotonous, necessary tasks that can be automated and save everyone time.

Process mapping refers to the visualization of the business processes your organisation or company has. It can be anything from how a customer purchases something to the processes associated with getting the product or service they purchased to them. Process maps will have multiple steps and moving parts, and many employees will be involved throughout. 

There are different approaches and schools of thought when it comes to process mapping, but at Skore we believe in simplicity and clarity. This ensures that all involved parties can look at a process and understand it without needing to consult a manual or an expert.

So what does process mapping have to do with UiPath?

Well, UiPath takes your business’s existing processes and automates the parts that can be completed by an AI instead. That means that you need to know exactly what your business processes look like and have a prior idea of the steps that you think might benefit from adding this tool. You cannot simply start utilising UiPath without a good understanding of your existing processes. 

If you try to make use of it as a band aid, you will think you can automate everything. You think it’ll be a great way to cut costs and help you concentrate on the bigger picture. But this is never the case, and this type of attitude is indeed why so many first forays into RPA do not succeed. If you don’t get the process right in the first place, you are just automating a bad process: this is doomed to fail.

You simply must process map to make the most of the RPA you are interested in using, in this case, UiPath.

Why Do I Need Process Mapping with UiPath 

You need to process map what exactly you want UiPath to do. Without a process map, you cannot review your current process or envisage how you want the process to work in the future. Preparation is key, otherwise, you will make a lot of mistakes. This could end up only harming your entire business, as both customers and employees will feel confused and disillusioned with your automation objectives.

Before you even begin contemplating utilizing RPA, if the idea of UiPath and shortening tasks is appealing to you, take the time to see if you understand your own processes as they currently stand. You don’t want to simply purchase something because it sounds appealing, you want to make sure it will actually be useful. Plus, you need to recognise if there are some areas for improvement. 

So map out your business process

Take your time and really inspect your business. Connect with your employees and learn what they do in each step of the process and why. Talk to the experts and those who take part in the process every day. Create sub-process maps for smaller processes within the larger ones. This will help you understand how your business is currently working, who is doing what, and what is happening when. 

This will help you better your entire business.

You will find spots where things are slowed down due to bottlenecks, extraneous forms to fill out or steps to complete that no longer make sense, and you will re-examine whether the responsibility is falling on the right shoulders. Or even if you need to complete these steps at all. 

And this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Business process mapping is ultimately made to constantly improve your processes and your business so that you spend less, make more, and become the most efficient, streamlined organisation possible. 

When bringing in an external tool or product, such as UiPath, or any other RPA, it is imperative that you know exactly why you are doing it and where it would fit. The owners of the tool will make suggestions, but ultimately the one that knows the business process is you. So you need to be certain that you have a clear understanding of your processes, and where and why this tool should be used.

And you want the relevant employees to also know this and learn how to use the new tool. 

You need to have both your current process and your vision with UiPath mapped out. Armed with a map of your current process, you can then create a new one that includes the new steps and eliminates processes that become the purview of RPA. We call the original process the ‘current state’ or As-Is process, and the improved process the ‘future state’ or To-Be process.

By mapping it out yourself, you ensure that you know exactly what is happening when and why, and why decisions were made. Your employees should also be aware of where this new tool fits and why it is there. They will be the ones making use of it and able to tell you if it is indeed completing the role it needs to, or if it is not working as intended.

But how to create a business process map that has UiPath in mind? 

Don’t worry – we’ve got you here at Skore.

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UiPath Process Mapping with Skore 

Skore is a tool that maps business processes in a way that is simple for all involved parties.

With Universal Process Notation as our base, our mapping software makes it easy for all team members to collaborate and follow along as you build processes, from stakeholders to front-facing employees. This is thanks in large part to our simplistic approach to business mapping.

There are a few key questions that need to be answered when creating a process map, and they are what, why, and who. All of these questions are easily addressed in our maps via the use of boxes, and as all of our maps are chronologically organized, the order of the steps is visible as well. 

Furthermore, you can create sub-processes for each box, so that the steps needed previously can also be accessed. And, Skore will help you identify spots for improvement easily by helping you step back and have a bird’s eye view of your processes. Finding bumps or holes in your process that could be filled with an RPA such as UiPath becomes easy from there.

Not convinced yet? 

Take a look at our RPA-focused case study with Lawrence & Wedlock, a leading intelligent automation services provider. By using Skore’s Robotic Asses model, they were able to cut-down process discovery time by an entire week

The team was so impressed, they actually added Skore to their offerings for clients!

Thanks to our collaboration with such a cutting-edge company, Skore was able to prove itself as a forward-thinking product, and we created a process template for all RPAs – including UiPath!

Because the process to incorporate an RPA into your own existing business processes also needs to be considered. It may be a one-time process, or you may end up using it several times – regardless, it is still good to create it and document it in a process library.

Indeed, as you’re preparing and building your processes for improvement that feature your new tool, compiling everything into a process library for your organisation’s knowledge to build upon is a good idea. And something else you can easily do with Skore.

So that the next time you’re looking for the best way to add an RPA such as UiPath, you can simply consult your library. You will be able to figure out if it is indeed necessary, what problem it would solve, and where exactly you picture it fitting within your processes.


At Skore, we want your processes to be the best they can be, so that your business can flourish as well.

Sometimes, this means adding automation tools to improve efficiency. This may sound good and easy at first, but can prove draining if not use correctly.

Make the right decision by mapping RPAs such as UiPath into your processes the right way. 

We’re happy to show you how.

Just get in touch to find out more!